

Tagged contextors

useContextor accepts a second argument, called a tag. This tag value is passed as an additional input when evaluating the contextor’s combining function:

    const PAGE_SIZE = 5;

    const ListPager = createContextor(
      (itemList, begin /* tag */) => itemList.slice(begin, begin + PAGE_SIZE)

    const PageDisplay = ({ offset = 0 }) =>
        const items = useContextor(ListPager, offset /* tag */);
        return (<>
          {, i) =>
            <Item key={i} item={item} /> }

The tag supplied to useContextor is passed to all contextors that are dependencies of the primary contextor. It’s important that the expected arguments to the contextors are compatible – this is enforced if you’re using the TypeScript interface:

    const MultiplyContextor = createContextor(
      (contextValue: number, tag: number) => contextValue * tag

    const SubtractContextor = createContextor(
      (multipliedValue: number, tag: number) => multipliedValue - tag

    const IncompatibleContextor = createContextor(
    // TYPE ERROR: tag arg of type string is not compatible with tag of type number
      (multipliedValue: number, tag: string) => tag.repeat(multipliedValue)

For purposes of evaluation and caching, the tag is equivalent to other inputs – any change in the value will cause the contextor to be re-evaluated, so the tag value should be stable.

    const MyContextor = createContextor(
      (contextValue, extra) => ({ ...contextValue, ...extra })

    function Unstable() {
      // Component will re-render indefinitely because object is re-constructed
      // when the component is rendered, causing the contextor to be re-evaluated,
      // causing the component to be re-rendered ....
      const value = useContextor(MyContextor, { foo: 123 });
      return <>unstable value: {value}</>

    const fixedFooValue = { foo: 123 };

    function Stable() {
      // fixedFooValue does not change, so the contextor is only re-evaluated
      // when MyContextor's inputs update
      const value = useContextor(MyContextor, fixedFooValue);
      return <>stable value: {value}</>

Different components may subscribe simultaneously to the same contextor, using independent tag values. Shared caching rules still apply, so separate subscribers to a contextor using the same tag will receive the same value produced by a single evaluation of the combiner function:

    const ExpensiveContextor = createContextor(
      (source, id) => doSomethingExpensive(source, id)

    function Component({ id }) {
      const value = useContextor(ExpensiveContextor, id);
      return <>{value}</>

    function App() {
      return (
        // For each Source value,
        // doSomethingExpensive() will only be evaluated once for each unique id.
          <Component id="123" />
          <Component id="000" />
          <Component id="123" />
          <Component id="000" />