


This page describes caching within the contextors library

Each contextor caches the results of previous evaluations, based on previous source values. The cache is shared between all consumers of a contextor anywhere in the app.

The precise caching behaviour depends on the types of the sources (i.e. the values of the contextor’s dependent contexts and contextors, and the tag if any):

    const ObjectContext = createContext({});
    let testId = 0;

    const ContextorA = createContextor(
      (value, objTag) => { console.log("compute", testId); return [value, objTag]; }
    const useTestContextorA = () => {
      const obj1 = { foo: "bar" };
      const obj2 = { foo: "bar" };

      testId = 1; useContextor(ContextorA, obj1);  // compute 1
      testId = 2; useContextor(ContextorA, obj2);  // compute 2
      testId = 3; useContextor(ContextorA, obj1);  // (no output, same as compute 1)
    const StringContext = createContext("");
    let testId = 0;

    const ContextorB = createContextor(
      (value, numTag) => { console.log("compute", testId); return [value, numTag]; }
    const useTestContextorB = () => {
      testId = 1; useContextor(ContextorB, 1); // compute 1
      testId = 2; useContextor(ContextorB, 2); // compute 2
      testId = 3; useContextor(ContextorB, 1); // compute 3
      testId = 4; useContextor(ContextorB, 1); // (no output, same as compute 3)
    const ObjectContext = createContext({});
    const ContextorC = createContextor([ObjectContext], (value, numTag) => [value, numTag]);

    const TestContextorC = ({ id, num }) => {
      testId = id;
      useContextor(ContextorC, num);
      return null;

    const obj1 = { foo: "bar" };
    const obj2 = { foo: "bar" };

    const Test = () => <>
      <ObjectContext.Provider value={obj1}>
        <TestContextorC id={1} num={1} /> {/* compute 1 */}
        <TestContextorC id={2} num={2} /> {/* compute 2 */}
        <TestContextorC id={3} num={1} /> {/* compute 3 */}
      <ObjectContext.Provider value={obj2}>
        <TestContextorC id={4} num={1} /> {/* compute 4 */}
        <TestContextorC id={5} num={2} /> {/* compute 5 */}
        <TestContextorC id={6} num={1} /> {/* compute 6 */}
      <ObjectContext.Provider value={obj1}>
        <TestContextorC id={7} num={1} /> {/* (no output, same as compute 3) */}
      <ObjectContext.Provider value={obj2}>
        <TestContextorC id={8} num={1} /> {/* (no output, same as compute 6) */}